Monday, November 24, 2008

Running for Dana Farber in 09

I am attempting to start writing blogs about my running as part of the Dana Farber Marathon Challenge team Boston 2009! As part of my DFMC fundraising campaign I would like to update all of my donars with how my running and fundraising is going, etc.

Running Boston 2009 will be my 4th marathon (Chicago 2000, 2001 & NYC 2006). I was inspired to run Boston while cheering on the runners in 2008. I was present on Marathon Monday in 2008 to cheer on my cousin Mike and his "friend" Laura who came in from Cincinnati to run, and also some friends here in Boston, Judith, and Steve. Both Judith and Steve had been runners on the DFMC for years and were both running in the 2008 Boston Marathon. I am always excited to cheer runners on, I know first hand how much every spectator's encouraging words mean. I wanted to be there for my cousin, friends, and all of the marathon runners to help push them to reach their goals! In fact, Mike finished the marathon qualifying again, Judith ran her personal best, and I am pretty sure Steve did as well!

I was overwhelmed with excitement in Coolidge Corner impatiently waiting for Mike to run by first. We saw the wheel chairs come through, the first male and elite runners, Lance Armstrong and his entourage, the first woman,and then came Mike! Judith was next, I received both Mike and Judiths updates on my blackberry, so I had a pretty good idea when to see them. I planned to jump in and run a mile with her. So i had to prepare to hand off my stuff to my friends and then jump in without causing her to loose time. I jumped in with her and ran for about a mile, trying to give her encouraging and positive thoughts as we ran. As i was running with her I realized I needed to run Boston next year. Why not? I live in Boston, it's time I run it. I wanted to run on the DFMC team for 09. So the first day that the DFMC application was available in September, I submitted! I realized while waiting for the response from DFMC how badly I really did want to do this. I patiently waited, and waited, and received my acceptance in mid October! I was officially on the DFMC team and running Boston!

Now every once in a while I think what did I get myself into? Since I moved to Boston almost 2 years ago, running has not been a top priority. This is starting to change now. I realized that for me (and all marathon runners), running a marathon is at least 50% mental preparation and 50% physical preparation. Sometimes I think that the mental percentage is more than 50%. I spend alot of time thinking about running and how I'm getting my head around this. It's my 4th marathon, so i KNOW I can do it, but it's a matter of priority as well. I have to give up other things to fit in running... and running will become more and more my life over the next few months.

In the past year, the longest distance I have run is probably about 8 miles or so... since the BAA half marathon last Oct 07. I have alot of work to do. I need to rebuild alot that I have lost in the past two years....endurance, muscle, my winter running wardrobe! Not to mention Fundraising!

After running the 4 - mile Norwood Turkey Trot on Sunday, It got me inspired to go out and buy more winter running clothes.... it was a whopping 20 degrees that day! Running in a New England Winter will definitely be challenging!

Thanks to Judith, here is a list of races she suggests are GOOD. uhh... I think i need to get my head around these too!!

Jan 18 -- Frostbite 15K -- Raynham, MA

Jan 25 -- Boston Prep 16-miler -- Derry, NH

Feb 14 -- Martha's Vineyard 20-miler -- Martha's Vineyard, MA

March 1 -- Stu's 30K -- Clinton, MA

March 21 -- National Half Marathon -- Washington, DC