Sunday, January 11, 2009


It is COLD here in Boston, and it's making it tough to train! I knew it would be cold, but didn't think much about how hard it would be to run outside on icy snow covered sidewalks. it's tough to run in the street, dodging cars and snow and ice... it makes for a stressful run. Our group run was cancelled this morning due to the snow storm that came through last night/this morning!

I am realizing i may have to start thinking about going to the gym and running inside more often, which i do not like. i prefer running outside. i think i may invest in a pair of running shoe snow tread attachments. I heard about them at one of our meetings for DFMC, it attaches to your shoe to give you more traction in the snow/ice. I hope they work!

I have signed up for a few upcoming races. The Frostbite 15K is next Sunday in Reynard Ma. I signed up for the Hyannis Half Marathon on Feb 22, and also the Boston Prep 16 miler in Derry NH, which is often referred to just as "Derry". And, i have heard this race is extremely hard! I hope I am prepared for these runs!
Here are the links to the race websites.

I am packing my bag to go to the gym tomorrow after work, i am not going to try and run in the ice/snow again in the dark. Tuesday I am thinking of heading to the Greater Boston Running Company run at 6pm at the Lexington Store for the first time.

I am looking for a venue to hold my fundraiser party in Boston. I am thinking it should be in Feburuary or early March. If anyone has ideas please let me know! More info to follow!